Seth has been so darn funny lately. Here are some of the latest:
Aunt Sandy told Seth, "I love you," and my mom told him to say I love you back. His reply was, "But I want to love you from the front."
What is in the center of a peach? "A Chia Pit"
Every time Seth sees deodorant he says, "Here is some Yoda." I see how he gets it - deYODArant.
I love Seth's strawberry blonde hair but the name of the shade perplexes him. He says. "I don't want strawberry. I want chocolate," or "Get the strawberries out." He has asked, "What flavor is your hair?"
For some reason one day. I was standing on one leg. Seth said, "Hey Mom, you look like a flamingo. (long pause) I have an uncle who is a flamingo." (He has an uncle named Domingo!)
Seth has been saying, "I wish you didn't work all of the time." (I work 15 hours a week. He's got it good!)
When I was getting him ready for his bath the other day, he said "There's my butt. I have been looking for it all day!"