Monday, May 18, 2009

Quotable Seth

The funny things Seth says and does are unending. These are a few of the more recent ones:

When we went to visit Aunt Mary in Charleston a few weeks ago Seth was so excited. He chattered and sang the whole way there. When we arrived he got very quiet and timid. As I was unbuckling him from his seat I asked what was wrong. He replied, "I don't want to get married." I has to explain the he was visiting Aunt Mary, not getting married.

Seth pronounces words that start with F and W with a P. He has said, "What's pong (wrong) Mommy?" and "I pound (found) it!" Although I hope he grows up with no speech impediments, I find it hopelessly adorable.

Seth has developed a silly little snicker. I really can't find the words to describe it, but he does it when he is laughing along with someone or when he knows that an adult finds something humorous. It's too cute.

One day, Seth had been acting up and I told him that he needed to find his inner tranquility. He wanted to know where it was and he wanted to hold it. I explained that it wasn't something that can be held. It lives inside of his heart. I love to hear him tell people that his "inner tantility is leebing inside of my hot."

One night Seth woke up crying. When I went to see what was wrong, he told me that he bumped his head on the wall the other weekend. It must have been some bump!

Mark and I go to Starbucks about once a week and we brew coffee at home often. Seth has become obsessed with coffee and mocha. Whenever he sees a Starbucks cup he says, "Dat my mocha." or "I need my coffee." or "I lub mocha." When we were unpacking the groceries this evening he snatched up the creamer and said, "Dis go in my coffee." He also likes to ask if I'm going to make coffee. I hope we aren't teaching him an unhealthy relationship with caffeine. Dos this mean he's going to obsess over everything he can't have?

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