Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today my sweet, sweet boy turned three! I cannot believe how quickly the past three years have flown by. He is growing and learning more and more each day. He loves to say his ABC's, can recognize about half of the letters and is learning the sounds that the letters make. He will say, "M says Muh, Muh, Monkey." He can count to thirty - usually. Sometimes he skips four and switches seven and eleven. He can also count to ten in Spanish. His vocabulary and speech amaze me sometimes. He remembers - and repeats - everything he hears. He is always asking questions and sometimes I don't know all of the answers.

He loves his family so much and enjoys seeing friends and relatives often. He often asks to go to Grandma and Papa's house, to visit Papa Roper, to go see Mimi, to take a trip to Pittsburgh, etc... He also loves animals - especially his pets. He says "Pup-Pup is my favorite dog," and asks "Can Buddy sleep in my bed?" He also says "Hush Buddy" when he squawks. He lights up around Carlee and Miles and loves it when they play with him. He often refers to each of his first cousins as "my best cousin" or "my best friend". His Daddy is his hero and together they have so much fun! He is, at heart, a Mama's boy - and I love it!

He has had a time with potty training but it is really clicking now. He gets a temporary tattoo each time he uses the potty. The other day he had eleven! He is so proud and beams each time he is successful.

He loves to swim and now runs and jumps off of the diving board. He gets a kick of playing "hiding and go seek" but he usually hides in the same place - under a blanket. He eats most foods - even his veggies - and will try anything. Tonight he tried and liked squid. Some of his favorites are pasta, all fruits, broccoli, hot dogs, oatmeal, shrimp and of course ice cream. He is very active and loves climbing anything. He can jump from a surface about two feet off of the ground and land on his feet. He also loves to be outside, even on the hottest of days.

He says he wants to be a "monstah" or a "baseball team" when he grows up. He loves doing crafts and painting. Some of his favorite toys include trains, building blocks, puzzles, Little People, sports equipment, dress up clothes (hats, boots, etc..), play food and instruments. He also likes to "watch a program" although I try not to overindulge. He loves Diego, Little Bear, Curious George, Caillou and Scooby Doo.

We have joined a playgroup and he loves interacting with other kids. He is still trying to figure it all out though. He loves going to parks, museums, the zoo, to visit friends and to play dates.

We read every day and he thoroughly enjoys it. Some of his favorite books are Go Dog Go, anything about monkeys, Millie Moo, No David, Brown Bear Brown Bear, all Dr. Seuss and encyclopedia style books. He also loves listening to music. Lunch Money, a children's group from Columbia, is his favorite and when we get in the car he asks to hear "the libary song". We are having so much fun and I cannot wait to see what the next year brings.

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