Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Funny Boy

Here are some of the funny things Seth has said lately:

"What happened to my clo?" I couldn't figure this one out at first, but it makes perfect sense now. To him, clo is the singular of clothes!

While rhythmically beating on a water cooler bottle: "Seth Roper on drums!"

One day he asked why Buddy was squawking. I explained that it was his way of saying good morning. Now when Buddy makes noise any time after 11 am Seth tells him, "Hush Buddy! It's not morning!"

To Molly on the phone: "Hello Molly. It is me Seth. I am your cousin."

He is very aware that different people have different nicknames for him. He has said: "Sometimes Grandma calls me Honey Bunny." "I am Bookie Bear." "Mimi calls me Darlin'." "Sometimes Miles calls me Derba and I call him Buyah." etc..

When asked what he wanted for his birthday: "Tape. Tape is nice."

When he gets upset he has threatened to take something away. The other day he wanted attention on him while Trey was being fed so he said, "I am going to take away Trey's bottle and put it under the couch."

Mom was making biscuits one day and he asked what she was doing. She told him and asked if he's like one when they were finished. His reply was, "Thank you for the offer, but I don't eat those."

When going to bed: "Tell me a story about me dressing up like Peter Pan for Halloween and we pick up Ashley and Molly and Molly is a purple ballerina and Ashley is a pink princess and I put them on my lap and we fly over the forest and we see a wolf who needs help and I get my doctor's kit and......"

1 comment:

  1. Too cute, my kids say the funniest things. I am working on a blog or possibly a weekly blog about the things kids say, look for it on Thursday's.

