Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Baby Shower Mad Libs - A Family Tradition

The (Almost) True Story of Baby Sophia

When Dana and Domingo first met it was __________ (noun) at first sight. Mingo was immediately attracted to Dana’s ____________ (adjective) ____________ (body part) and Dana loved Mingo’s ____________(adj) ______________ (body part). They dated for a short time and soon new that they would be together forever. Dana loved how Mingo could ___________ (verb) the _______________ (noun). Mingo could start a _____________ (noun) and Dana could finish it. Mingo went shopping at _____________ (store) and found the perfect ring. He sat down with Dana's dad and had a serious _____________ (noun). He asked for Dana's __________________ (body part) in marriage. "______________", (exclamation) Bruce said, "I can't wait for the big __________ (noun)." Mingo planned a special day for Dana. First they went ______________ (verb ending in ing) at _________________ (place). Then he took her for her favorite meal, ____________ (food) and ___________ (food) at ___________ (place). He took he up in a ___________ (adj) ___________ (noun) balloon for an extra _____________ (adj) touch. As they look out across the _____________ (adj) sky, Mingo got down on one ____________ (body part) and __________________ (past tense verb) the question. "Dana the past ___________ (number) _______________ (unit of time - plural) have been the happiest of my life. It would make me so ______________ (adj) if you would be my ____________ (noun). Will you marry me?" He presented a beautiful _____________ (metal) ring adorned with __________ (number) __________________ (plural noun). "_________________ " (exclamation) Dana yelled, "Of course I will." They had a __________ ( adj) wedding on a ___________ (adj) day in June! They were as happy as _____________ (noun - plural) in ____________ (noun).

Before you knew it there was a twinkle in Mingo’s _________. (body part) He told Dana that it was time to start their family! After a romantic dinner of __________ (food) and ___________(food) , with some ______________ ( liquid) to drink, it was time! We won't go into too much detail but let's just say things got a little ___________ (adj). A few weeks later, Dana noticed some funny changes. Her ______________ (noun) was sore and every time she __________ (verb past tense) a _______________ (noun) got heartburn. Every morning she felt _______________ (adj). She took a ____________ (type of test) test and discovered the ____________ (adj) news- She was pregnant! Everyone was overjoyed!

Now, most pregnant women have cravings and Dana was no exception. She sent Mingo to the store for things like ________ (food) ice cream and _________ (food) covered ____________ (food). It was a long ___ (number ) months until the baby arrived! Dana had to go through the long hot summer and could hardly take it. Most evenings she would just sit on her _____________ ( noun) and _____________ (verb) herself with the _________________ (noun). Mingo was so attentive to her needs. He made sure the _______________ (noun) was always clean, would ___________ (verb) the dog every day and always made sure to give her compliments. "You look so __________ (adj) when you _________________ (verb)." he would say. He went to every doctor's visit . During the ultrasound he said, "The baby has my ________________ (body part)," pointing at the screen. "That's the ____________ (body part)", the ultrasound tech replied.

Dana and Mingo were very _________ (emotion) to find out they are having a baby girl
and got busy painting the baby’s room __________ (color) and _____________ (color) . They picked out a lovely crib with a matching __________ (piece of furniture) . The bedding was frilly and embroidered with _______________ (plural noun) and ___________________ (plural noun). Dana had so much fun shopping for a ______________ (noun) and Mingo ran out and bought a ____________ (noun). He said it was a must have for all new parents. They had a hard time deciding on a name.They considered ______________ (girl name) and _________________ (girl name). They even thought of naming her _______________ (famous person) Palos, but finally found the perfect name - Sophia Grace.

As time grew closer, their thoughts turned to the labor and delivery! They hoped for a ___________(adj) childbirth. Dana and Mingo hoped it would last less than _______ (number) hours. They took a class that taught Dana how to ________ (verb) through the pain. They packed a bag to bring to the hospital. In it was a __________ (noun) for Dana to squeeze during contractions and a __________ (noun) to keep her comfortable. Mingo stashed a ___________ (noun) to keep him entertained during the down time. They also packed a pretty little ______________ (article of clothing) adorned with _____________ (and) ________________ (plural animal) for Sophia to wear home from the hospital.

One day in November, Dana stopped what she was doing when she felt a _____________ (adj) contraction in her ____________. (body part) “_______ ___!” (exclamation) said Dana. Of course, the first person she called was the soon to be father Mingo, to take her to the _____________. (place) Mingo said he was leaving _____________ (place ) right away and would be there in a minute. As he drove home he was so excited that he started _____________ (verb ending in ing) in the car. As she waited for him, she tried _______________ (verb ending in ing) to keep her mind off of the discomfort. She called her _____________ (job title) and said she was on the way. Within seconds of hanging up the phone, she was in so much pain she could not even _______________________ (verb). The contraction subsided and she was able to ____________ (verb). As soon as Mingo got home, they jumped in the ________________ (vehicle) and floored it. Mingo drove ___________ (number) MPH the whole way to the hospital. When Dana arrived, the _______________ (job title) examined her. She was already_____ (number) cms dilated. A _______________ (job title) suggested she try _______________ (verb ending in ing) through a few contractions. It worked! Her _______________ (liquid) broke. _____ (number) more pushes and a a few loud "_______________ "s (exclamation) later, the baby was born.

She was so perfect. Her eyes were _______________ (color) and her hair was ____________________ (color.) She had her father's __________ (body part) and her mother's_______________.(body part) Some thought she looked just like _____________ (person). Sophia weighed _____ (#) pounds, _____ (#) ounces and was _____ (#) inches long. A few days later they brought Sophia home. They were so ____________ (adj) to finally have her here. What a lucky baby to have such ___________ (adj) and __________ (adj) parents! This was just the beginning of a _____________ (adj) adventure!

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